Contributors Soo Bahk Do Biz

About Soo Bahk Do Biz

Soo Bahk Do® BIZ is a collection of sophisticated technology resources provided by the United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation® for Moo Duk Kwan® certified Soo Bahk Do® martial art instructors and training centers worldwide as a benefit of studio certification and to support the growth and success of Moo Do Dojangs and the promulgation of  strong core values through training in the Soo Bahk Do® martial art system. Connect with us via any of our web presences and social links.

Are you addicted to Facebook without even knowing it?

Are you addicted to Facebook without even knowing it? In this informative article that takes about 12 minutes to read, Tristan Harris explains how companies use the science of menu control, Fear of Missing Something Important (FOMSI), intermittent variable rewards, a thousand more techniques to make their technology actually addicting by design as posited in NYU professor Natasha Dow Schull's aptly titled book, Addiction by Design.