How and when can existing Ko Dan Ja who want to become Kyo Bom Certified do so?

Kyo Bom FAQCategory: Kyo BomHow and when can existing Ko Dan Ja who want to become Kyo Bom Certified do so?
Soo Bahk Do Biz Staff asked 5 years ago
I am a 5th Dan and would like to become Kyo Bom Certified. How do I go about that and what is the cost?
1 Answers
Best Answer
Craig Hays Staff answered 5 years ago
Starting in January (exact date is being worked out now) the Kyo Bom process will initiate.  There is a 90 day window for members who have been through the Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa test to certify for Kyo Bom at a 50% discounted rate.  There will be a regional-level confirmation process for those members, so that you won't have to go back to the KDJSS.  If you have previously been through the Kyo Sa process, the certification fee will be $62.50.  After 90 days the rate will go to $125.00.  If you have not gone through the Kyo Sa process, the discounted rate will be $148.50.  After 90 days the rate will go to $297.00.