I am a certified Kyo Sa invited to test for 4th Dan and I am also a Sa Bom Certification Kit holder, but I have not completed the 2 year Sa Bom apprenticeship, so do I still need to acquire a Kyo Bom Certification Study Kit and take the exam for Kyo Bom at my 4th Dan test?

Kyo Bom FAQCategory: Kyo BomI am a certified Kyo Sa invited to test for 4th Dan and I am also a Sa Bom Certification Kit holder, but I have not completed the 2 year Sa Bom apprenticeship, so do I still need to acquire a Kyo Bom Certification Study Kit and take the exam for Kyo Bom at my 4th Dan test?
Soo Bahk Do Biz Staff asked 5 years ago
2 Answers
Soo Bahk Do Biz Staff answered 5 years ago
Yes, you do and because you are a forward-looking member who has already acquired a Sa Bom Certification Kit, the Kyo Bom Certification Study Kit is available to you at no cost. You will exit a successful exam as a Kyo Bom Blue.
Craig Hays Staff answered 5 years ago
If you intend to test for 4th Dan in 2019, the 12 month lead time to obtain the workbook will be waived.  The workbook will be available in January 2019 and should be obtained at that time.